The Society’s activities are set out in its Constitution and include an annual lecture programme; excavations and other fieldwork; publishing the results; excursions to places and sites of archaeological and historic interest; local guided walks; site open days and temporary exhibitions. All activities are available for participation by non-members.
The Society’s first lecture was given by Mrs J M Birmingham, MA, of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London, in Letchworth Library hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 27th October, 1960. Mrs Birmingham’s subject was “An Archaeological Journey through Persia and Turkey”.
From 1960 to 1974, all Society fieldwork was directed by John Moss-Eccardt. Gil Burleigh has been Honorary Field Officer since 1974 and has directed all fieldwork since that date, both as Keeper of Field Archaeology for NHDC Museums (1974-2002), and after as a freelance archaeologist.
Publications of the results of the Society’s fieldwork have been through journals, interim reports, monographs and, more recently, the web. The volume of work undertaken by the Society means that some sites await final publication, which is in hand.