The trench dug in Letchworth’s municipal cemetery in 1961 failed to reveal the expected rampart and ditch of Wilbury camp
Excavations in 1959, 1961 and 1974
The Society has been involved with several excavations at this Early Iron Age hill-fort on the north-west edge of the town, all directed by John Moss-Eccardt. The 1959 trenches failed to reveal any evidence for internal structures, leading to a suggestion that the western enclosure (evidently a later addition) was used for keeping livestock rather than for habitation. The 1961 trench aimed to locate the northern arm of the rampart and ditch, but again failed to find it. Perhaps it was placed coincidentally through the northern gateway of the enclosure. The 1974 work uncovered features to the east of the hillfort, including a Bronze Age ring ditch and a contemporary linear ditch.