Excavation 1991-2
In 1991 the Museums’ field archaeology team had excavated on a large-scale the extensive foundations of a Romano-British farmstead comprising the flint and mortar footings of the main farmhouse with floors made of small tile and chalk cubes (tesserae), a barn, a cobbled yard, a pond, a cobbled road approaching from the east, and two T-shaped malting kilns. By the main building range was a deep, flint-lined well. This contained within its backfill the re-deposited remains of a human skeleton with an iron blade lodged between its vertebrae. Traces of an earlier Late Iron Age settlement underlay the Romano-British farmstead, indicated by the clay bases of round houses.
In 1992 the cutting of a trench for a water pipeline was observed on a route along the northern side of the bypass, south of Wymondley Bury, towards an existing water tower. Salvage excavation was carried out on further stone structural remains belonging to the Romano-British settlement.
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